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教师区域研训共同体以区域为单位,以学科为组织形式,同一区域内不同学校不同教师组成的区域性研训合一的研究团体;以"主题"为导向开展活动,形式多样,在实践中发挥了积极有效的作用。  相似文献   
高等职业技术教育课程改革已成为当前理论研究的热点 ,应进一步从理论和实践的结合上 ,切实搞好高等职业技术教育课程体系建设 ,以满足我国经济发展对人才培养的需要。高职教育课程改革要注重能力本位 ,适应国情和生产力发展水平 ,要把职业教育和技术教育的内涵搞清楚  相似文献   
推行职业资格证书制度的几大障碍   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国职业资格证书制度,是在社会主义市场经济体制下,为加强劳动人事科学化管理、保护社会公 共利益、维护正常职业秩序、培育和提高劳动者素质、促进国民经济健康发展而推出的。在执行过程中还存在着官本位制的思想,职业技能鉴定中社会效益与经济效益被颠倒,鉴定机构过多,考试内容与社会现实脱节、考试手段落后,用人单位不执行国家的用工制度,非法用工严重等障碍亟待解决。  相似文献   
A plethora of research has found that teachers’ beliefs directly influence their classroom practices and teaching outcomes. While numerous studies in second/foreign language writing have examined the effectiveness of different innovative approaches on students’ learning to write, there is a paucity of research on writing teachers’ beliefs about these approaches and how their beliefs change in the process of their professional development. Such a lacuna becomes prominent in English as a Foreign Language contexts, especially in China, where there are numerous calls for changing the nature of classroom practices from product-focused to process- and student-centred instruction. In order to fill this gap, this brief article reports on a case study regarding changes in two Chinese English teachers’ beliefs after attending a professional development project for teaching writing. A key research question guides this study: What changes, if any, did the two teachers experience in their teaching beliefs during the project? Two writing teachers were voluntarily recruited for a case study. Findings show that the professional development project for teaching writing broadened the teachers’ understanding of different writing theories, provided a clear model of how to integrate these new approaches into regular writing courses, changed their instructional focus and shifted their perception of teachers’ roles in teaching practice.  相似文献   

Extended Teams (ETs), in which teachers and workplace supervisors are jointly responsible for the quality of education, were established to solve problems concerning school–workplace connections in vocational and professional education. Six ETs were investigated during their 1st year of collaboration. In addition to recordings of ET meetings, questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews yielded triangulation of data pertaining to dimensions of team work and professional growth of individual team members. Five of the 6 teams showed marked changes for team functioning, especially with regard to social ties and intellectual building as well as needs for new knowledge. Analysis of individual professional growth indicated that working in an ET contributed to understanding the other context, and altering views of what can be achieved by and for students. We conclude that ETs hold potential for strengthening school–workplace connections, but note that they did rely heavily on external support.  相似文献   
“课程思政”是当前高校思想政治教育改革的新模式。理工科类专业课程不同于人文社科类专业课程,实现“课程思政”难度较大。上海高校率先开展“课程思政”改革,但也存在理工科类专业实施“课程思政”的难处。文章从专业教师在“课程思政”中的重要作用、理工科类专业实现“课程思政”应思考的内容出发,梳理了如何在理工科类专业中实施“课程思政”,为“课程思政”在理工科专业中的推广提供参考。  相似文献   
技能大赛是我国职业教育领域的一项重大制度创新,对学校的专业、课程、实训室建设等方面均具有巨大推动作用。论文以广东省"工业机器人技术应用"比赛为对象,对大赛的设备及考核要点分析的基础上,研究了基于技能大赛的"工业机器人技术"专业建设思路,分别在专业课程体系、师资培养、实训室建设、"校企合作"等方面融入竞赛要素,发挥技能大赛对专业建设的引领作用。  相似文献   
聚焦于阿尔莫多瓦电影的基本构成元素——化妆,通过对其中身份性别表演的分析,发掘出具有"异托邦"性质的反抗与生存的空间,从而在充满矛盾的化妆仪式中,实现身份和性别的颠覆与解构。  相似文献   
增强高职学报编辑的职业敏感性是提高高职学报质量的重要举措。从编辑的政治敏感性、学术敏感性、文字敏感性、信息敏感性论述职业敏感性的作用,提出了培养高度的责任感和敬业精神、加强理论修养,不断增强政治鉴别力、丰富的知识储备和编辑经验的积累等培养编辑职业敏感性的途径。  相似文献   
信息时代的到来,使高校图书馆工作面临极大的挑战,同时也给图书馆员带来了很大压力。面对信息环境,高校图书馆员必须转变观念、更新知识结构、强化专业技能,提高综合素质,重塑自身形象,才能使图书馆事业健康持续发展。  相似文献   
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